| our paths were meant to cross |

Born an inquisitive human, Kelsey always felt in her heart she had an important calling in life. Upon discovering the ancient practice of yoga her heart was filled and that calling was identified. She was immediately pulled to embody this practice and then show others this way of life. The word yoga itself means to yolk (to bind with) becoming one. Kelsey went on to research more of the “sister sciences” of yoga after this experience of remembering that source dwells within and is never without. This lead her to ayurveda, astrology and all things alternative.

The answers laid in the stars peeling back more layers to the complexity of being human. Kelsey's passion is to assist you on your journey back to remembrance; to recognize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That life is meant to be enjoyed fully, and that being on earth is really a philosophical exercise. 

Together we’ll weave these parts back to yourself using the bridge of love and ancient sciences. The more individuals that live authentically from their heart space and raise their vibration will, together, raise the vibration of the planet. Now is the time. 

Kelsey Peck

Kelsey Peck